

Today was a day of adventures – went out with the family to a local recycle craft store. It’s a non-profit that helps kids experience crafts, but it’s also great for picking up odds and ends. I made some great button finds, a nice box to keep said buttons in (aughhh, buttons are my most recent love! They’re so much fun to add to projects and finding that perfect button… it’s like music happens.), and some interesting yarn scraps for a scrap blanket I want to make for a friend.

If anyone lives in the Portland OR area, or gets down and around here, I heartily suggest checking out Scrap! You can check out their website here to learn about their mission and services (and more importantly, to find their location.)

Does anyone else visit a recycle/reuse store for supplies? Scrap always makes me wish I sewed, because the fabric selections are so interesting too!